Pan-American School

Pan-American School is the first IB Continuum School offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Primary Years Programme (PYP) in Costa Rica.

Our inclusive, non-selective educational programme provides a balanced, bilingual English-Spanish education, aimed at developing well-rounded, responsible global citizens.

Our broad and rigorous curriculum focuses on skill development, an extensive social and emotional support system, diverse arts, design, and physical education programs, and a unique focus on service and global sustainability.

Welcome from our General Director

Alan Wrafter

General Director

Dear families,

 Welcome to Pan-American School, and thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We invite you to explore our community, and learn more about how we strive to offer an education of excellence that inspires future leaders who will create a better world for all.

Pan-American School is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive learning community focused on delivering:
  •  Inspiring, personalized learning for all.
  •  A welcoming, engaged and connected community for all.
  •  A sustainable and balanced future for all.

Uniquely PAS

Years of experience

Nationalities represented


International Students

28 %

Student teacher ratio


Average class size



8.64 acres

5 Buildings

Languages taught

English - Spanish

IB courses offered


IB DP highest score  (2021)


Years as an IB World School

Colleges Acceptances (Continent/Universities since 2017)







Oceania / Australia


Therapy Dog



Why PAS?

  • Accredited as an IB World School by the International Baccalaureate Organization, since 2015.
  • Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on International Education (NEASC-CIE) in the United States since 2006.
  • Only school in Costa Rica to offer the IB Continuum Programme: Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).
  • PAS nurtures the whole child and empowers students to have agency over their learning from age 18 months to graduation.
  • Students can graduate with three diplomas: IB Diploma Programme, US High School Diploma and the Costa Rica Ministry of Education National Diploma.

Why The IB Continnum?

Pan-American School is an IB continuum school, focussing on both personal and academic achievement and challenging students to excel in these areas. We believe that learning is an active and lifelong process and that a well-rounded education includes logical reasoning, languages, artistic sensitivity, social awareness, physical and mental health, and critical thinking. Each person’s special interests, qualities, and talents are nurtured through real-life learning experiences and diverse educational opportunities. We support our students to develop a social conscience and a commitment to peace, democracy, cultural diversity, and service to humanity.

News at PAS

Mister Scholarship Recipient 2024

Dear members of the Pan-American School community,

Each year, Pan-American School awards the Mister Scholarship to the student who has consistently demonstrated academic excellence, and a commitment to the Pan-American School values, over the course of their Middle School years with us.  

This scholarship is awarded both in recognition of the student’s prior achievement and in our expectation that they will continue to uphold these high standards throughout High School.  We look to Mister Scholarship recipients to continue to: develop to the full extent their skills and understanding in all areas; lead by example in all that they do; and continue to embody the PAS values throughout their time at Pan-American School.

This year, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Mariana Mafla Díaz in Grade 9 has been awarded this important prize.  

On the first day of school, at the Welcome Assembly, we presented Mariana  with the award and included her picture in the Mister Scholarship Gallery.  We also shared breakfast with Mariana, her parents and other scholarship students.  We were joined by:

  • Marianne Weber Arroyo, Class of 2025, and her father Hans Andries Weber.
  • Emil Shadid Zumbado, Class of 2026, his mother Karla Zumbado Villalobos and his father don Elías Shadid Lépiz.
  • Daniela Matamoros Aguilar, Class of 2027, and her mother Kattia Aguilar Retana.
  • Andrew Wiese, Secondary Principal and  Jay Warren, High School  Vice Principal and DP Coordinator

I am sure that you will join me in extending our sincerest congratulations to Mariana, and her parents doña Sandra Díaz Sandoval  and don Juan Pablo Mafla Sanchéz- and to all of our Mister Scholarship recipients and their families as they look to continue to proud tradition of excellence in all that they do in and out of our shared community.

Proud to be PAS,


Alan Wrafter

General Director

Embracing the Future: AI Initiatives at Pan-American School

Dear Pan-American School Community,

I hope this message finds you well as we come to the end of our third week of learning of the 2024-2025 academic year. It has been a very busy, yet rewarding, start to the school year as we look to establish the routines and focus that will guide us over the coming months.

As we continue to evolve and adapt to the rapidly changing educational landscape, we have been working on a range of initiatives regarding the systematic integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into learning, and I wanted to share some of these important developments with you all.

RAIL Endorsement from Middle Schools Association: A Global First

I am proud to announce that Pan-American School has been accepted to the cohort of the “RAIL Founding Fifty,” a highly select group of schools who are leading the way in delivering AI in Learning. This first-of-its-kind global endorsement recognizes our commitment to the responsible use of AI in education. Being part of this pioneering group puts us at the forefront of educational innovation and ethical technology use; our AI Advisory Team will be working from August to November to deliver on this endorsement, ensuring that what we do aligns with this important framework.

Why were we chosen for this?

In his communication accepting our candidacy, President & CEO of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA), one of the world’s original school accreditors, highlighted how our “application stood out in a highly competitive pool of applicants from Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and North America.” Among “an overwhelming volume of applications … our commitment to AI literacy, safety, and ethics resonates with our vision for great learning experiences supported by the responsible adoption of AI.”

Why the RAIL Endorsement?

The RAIL Endorsement is the first AI endorsement offered by K-12 school accreditation agencies. It has just been launched by MSA and provides schools with a framework for safe, ethical and responsible use of genAI, as well as access to best practices and trustworthy resources for AI integration. By collaborating in this initiative, we will be able to align our use of genAI to deliver transformative learning experiences for our students.

What does the RAIL Endorsement focus on?

The RAIL Endorsement focuses on 3 core concepts:

  • Understanding and experiencing AI
  • Critical evaluation of AI and
  • Ethical use and safety in AI

We will be working through each of these core concepts, providing evidence to show how we are meeting their indicators over the coming semester.

Why the Middle Schools Association Accreditation, and not NEASC?

Pan-American School is proud to be accredited by NEASC, most recently re-accredited following our October 2023 visit. We are proud to be a NEASC school, and this RAIL Endorsement will not impact this. However, the Middle Schools Association is the first accreditation body in the world to offer an accreditation specific to AI. This, coupled with MSA’s status as one of the most well-recognized accreditation agencies in the world, led us to pursue this endorsement specific to AI.

New AI Guidelines in Academic Integrity Policy

We have updated our academic integrity policy to include comprehensive guidelines on the responsible use of AI in academic work. These guidelines aim to ensure that our students learn to harness the power of AI tools ethically and effectively, preparing them for the technology-driven world they will enter after graduation.

You can see the Guidelines in our updated Academic Integrity Policy here.  We will publish this to SIPAS and our Student Parent Handbook next week.

Integrating AI Principles Across Grade Levels

We are systematically working to embed our 7 AI Principles into our curriculum from Grade 2 through Grade 12. We aim to guide the thoughtful implementation of AI to enhance and support student learning, and support the critical engagement with AI concepts, applications, and implications as students progress through their educational journey at Pan-American School.  Our 7 Principles are:

  1. Ensure Human Agency through AI. 
  2. Empower Through AI Literacy and Lifelong Learning.
  3. Advance Equity and Inclusion.
  4. Foster Ethical Understanding and Critical Thinking
  5. Develop a Connected AI Learning Community
  6. Prioritize Safe and Responsible AI Citizenship
  7. Innovate Through AI

AASCA Leadership Conference: "AI-Powered Service: Leading with Innovation and Integrity"

In September, 6 Secondary Students will participate in the AASCA Leadership Conference under the guidance of Ms Mariela Herrera and Mr Henry Gutiérrez.  Following the conference, we will invite these students to collaborate with our AI Advisory Team to help inform AI development across the community, and school initiatives.

Educator’s Focus on AI

Since July, faculty have been collaborating to reflect on how to effectively use AI to enhance student learning across the school.  We have been developing an understanding of the stages of AI implementation in our classrooms, sharing best practice and experiences, and exploring how to effectively integrate AI into teaching methods and to guide students in its responsible use.  This will continue to be an important focus over the coming year, shared learning sessions taking place at least once a month.  

Facilitating and leading some of the work in this space, will be our AI Advisory Team which includes the following faculty:

Edison Valverde Quirós, Secondary Science & Outdoor Learning Teacher 

Joshua Aaroon Tercero Loría, MYP Design Coordinator

Melissa Castillo, Secondary Science Teacher

Oscar Echandi, I&S, Digital Society and TOK Teacher

Paige Filla, PYP Grade 5 Teacher

Sharon Elizondo, PYP Grade 4 & 5 Spanish Teacher

Alan Wrafter, General Director



Looking Ahead 

As we continue to prepare our students for success in an ever changing world, readying them to embark on a journey into a yet to be defined future, we remain committed to providing our students with a forward-thinking education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future. We believe that by embracing AI responsibly, we are opening doors to unprecedented learning experiences and career possibilities for our students.

At the same time, we are cognizant of the need to continue to do the core work that is so essential to our children’s learning: 

  • Ensuring a safe, secure and welcoming learning environment.
  • Developing those skills (Self-Management, Social. Communication, Research, and Thinking Skills) that will set them up for success in life.
  • Developing happy and healthy young people, who face the future with optimism, joy and resilience.

We value your support and partnership in this endeavor. In the coming weeks, we will be organizing information sessions for parents and guardians to learn more about these initiatives and how they will benefit our students.

Thank you for your continued trust in Pan-American School. Together, we are shaping a future where our students are not just consumers of technology, but ethical, informed, and skilled creators and innovators of the future.

Warm regards,


Alan Wrafter

General Director

Sports Updates, including new soccer pitch

Dear members of the Pan-American School community,

I hope that this email finds you safe and well, 

This year we are proud to welcome a range of new members to our Sports team this year.  Joining us are:

  • Maria José Castro Rueda, Volleyball Coach: A qualified pre-school educator (Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023) and holder of a Diploma in Business Administration (2022), Maria José is one of the leading talents in the Costa Rican Volleyball community, having been named best defender in North American, Central American and the Caribbean in the Female Final Four of NORCECA 2024. Currently playing for Goicochea, Maria José has represented the Costa Rican national team in tournaments such as Copa Centroamericana (2021-2024), Copa NOCENA (2021-2022), Copa Continental NORCECA (2018-2019), Copa Panamericana Sub-20 (2015) and more.
  • Alejandro Jesús González Madrigal, Soccer Coach: Alejandro has a long trajectory in the Costa Rican football community including roles as trainer for Sporting F.C. female team (2019-2024); Saprissa Female team (2019); Liga Deportiva Alajuelense and the Universidad Nacional (2014-2015); Fundación Real Madrid, Costa Rica (2013); and more.

With the addition of Maria José and Alejandro, our Sports team for 2024-2025 is as follows:

Sports Coordinator

Jessica Palavicini (

Soccer Team

Basketball Team

Volleyball Coaches

Track & Field

  • Pablo Araya
  • Candela Andujar
  • Alejandro Gonzalez
  • Oscar Barquero
  • Jessica Palavicini
  • Yuliana González
  • Maria José Castro
  • Alejandro Cañas Lopez 


In our Secondary Fitness Program we are also delighted to offer the following options, which all students will participate in over the coming year:

  • Self-Defence
  • Physical Fitness
  • Dance
  • Table Tennis
  • Ultimate Frisbee

Update on our new Synthetic Pitch

As we announced last year, we are planning to install a new synthetic soccer pitch, with an innovative “cork infill" which will improve the experience for players, reduce heat reflection, and be kinder to the environment.  As our campus is next to a river, we have been working with the Belen Municipality to process the necessary permits. This process is taking longer than anticipated, but our external contractor is working through the paperwork and the work is progressing. As soon as we have a definitive timeline, we will share more information with the community.

Updated Sports Program Regulations 

A reminder that all students who participate in the Sports Program are expected to align with the Sports Program Regulations outlined here.

PAS Cup, 30 & 31 August

We look forward to welcoming all members of the community to our first PAS Cup which will be held on campus on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 August


We look forward to a year of continued growth, impact and success for all our athletes through our Sports & Fitness Programs over the coming year.

Alan Wrafter

General Director

Staff Development Day

On Monday, March 18th, the Pan-American School community held a Professional Development Day focused on community and country service. The following activities took place:

  • Guacalillo Beach: A total of 142kg of beach litter was collected.
  • SOS Villages: Cleaning, organizing, and painting works were carried out on the houses where the students live. 
  • Food Bank: Food items, vegetables, and supplies were reviewed and classified.
  • Teaching and Learning Center (CEA): Located in Guácima, work was done in the garden, library, and mural painting.

A total of 167 people attended these activities.

Innovation, technology and more - PYP Exhibition

The PYP Exhibition is a culminating event in the PYP programme, where our learners showcase their understanding and learning journey through their time in primary school by connecting to real world issues, engaging in collaborative inquiry and taking meaningful action. The exhibition encourages learners to demonstrate their understanding of the learner profile attributes, approaches to learning and the inquiry process. Over the 8 weeks of this year's exhibition, grade 5 learners have been inquiring into a topic of their choice, all within the context of technology. This year's exhibition included an expressive piece, an interactive piece and a written piece, based on their research. Grade 5 learners were excited to share their PYPX journey with their parents and other students in the school and want the grade 4's to know that it's a lot of work, but it's really not that scary in the end!



Our commitment is not only to support the learning process of our students; but also to contribute to the society that surrounds us, our mission is preparing internationally-engaged individuals, committed to the pursuit of excellence, who make meaningful contributions to their country and the global community.

That is why at PAS, we gladly work to play a positive role in our community, taking into consideration the impact that our decisions have on social and environmental matters. Proudly, we can say that these are just some of the activities carried out:


First day of School 2024-2025

Back to School Event 2024

Cultural Exchange

Our community is international and multicultural, which is one of our greatest strengths. During this special activity, we celebrated various nationalities, creating an environment of inclusion and mutual learning. Parents, staff, and students had the opportunity to share a bit of their traditions, including typical foods, traditional clothing, music, and dances with the rest of the community.

This celebration not only allowed us to learn about and appreciate the richness of other cultures, but it also fostered understanding and respect among all members of our community. We are deeply proud to see that what makes us different is also what unites us. This diversity provides us with the sense of belonging and community that we all need, and it strengthens our bonds, creating a warm and welcoming environment for everyone. We firmly believe that by celebrating our differences, we are building a stronger and more cohesive community.

IB Visual Arts Exhibition 2024

On Friday, the 19th of last month, our school community came together to celebrate a remarkable showcase of creativity and artistic prowess at the IB Visual Arts Exhibition. The event was an extraordinary testament to the dedication and talent of our students, whose diverse perspectives and innovative approaches were on full display.

From captivating paintings to thought-provoking sculptures, the exhibition offered a rich tapestry of artistic expression that left attendees in awe. Each piece was a reflection of the unique journey and vision of its creator, showcasing a range of techniques, themes, and inspirations.

Walking through the gallery, one couldn't help but be inspired by the depth of emotion and storytelling conveyed through the artworks. Whether it was through bold brushstrokes, intricate details, or experimental mediums, every piece had its own story to tell, inviting viewers to pause, reflect, and engage.

CAS-Chirripó 2024

What is CAS? It is a component of the core of the Diploma Programme whose aim is for students to participate in activities outside the school environment in the areas of creativity, activity, and service.

What is CAS Chirripó?
It is a 120 km hiking experience that provides the unique opportunity to explore the highlands of Costa Rica. Along the different routes, students not only develop physical endurance but also gain a deeper appreciation for natural beauty, the importance of teamwork, and a broader understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement.

Battle of Generations 2024

¡Let's go watch this wonderful event together!


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